Sunday, September 13, 2015

References used for my "bicycle accidents" blog

Thompson, R., Rivara, F. & Thompson, D. (1989). A case control study of the effectiveness of bicycle safety helmets. The New England Journal of Medicine 320(21).

Selbst, S., Alexander, D., & Ruddy, R. (1987). Bicycle-related injuries. JAMA, 141(2). 140-144. doi:10.1001/archpedi.1987.04460020030021

Summala, H., Pasanen, E., Rasanen, M. & Sievanen, J. (1996). Bicycle accidents and driver’s visual search at left and right turns. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 28(2), pp147-153. doi: 10.1016/0001-4575(95)00041-0

Kim, J., Kim, S., Ulfarsson, G. F., & Porrello, L. (2007). Bicyclist injury severities in bicycle-motor vehicle accidents.  Accident Analysis & Prevention, 39(2), pp. 238-251. doi: 10.1016/j.aa

Robinson, D. L. (2007). Head injuries and bicycle helmet laws.  Accident Analysis & Prevention, 28(4), pp. 463-475. doi: 10.1016/j.aap.2006.07.002

United States Department of Transportation. (2015). Traffic safety facts: Bicyclists and other cyclists.

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