Sunday, September 13, 2015

Prepare for a possible bicycle accident

When you ride keep in mind that a crash could happen despite your best efforts, so be prepared for it with protective equipment, physically, mentally, and through other means like life and medical insurance. 

  Protective equipment should ALWAYS be worn while biking, helmet, gloves, biking shoes, and bright flexible clothing that is adjusted to the weather.  Practice looking back without loosing control or changing your path of travel at all; you can do this when no traffic or hazards are present.

Ensure others know your route, and expected times of returns. 

Wear ID and a medical tag with you, in case you are found unconscious by strangers. 

Be ready to perform first aid on yourself or others (especially if you ride in groups).

Ride in a group whenever possible, as bigger packs get noticed by vehicles and pedestrians much more than single riders, however do not follow group behavior if unsafe riding is happening.  Break from the group if they are acting in an unsafe manner as riding to fast, in inclement weather, or unnecessarily close to traffic.  Group behavior tends to have followers that mimic leaders regardless of appropriate behavior or not (conformity); avoid this.

Avoid rush hour traffic or heave traffic roads.

Plan your route through residential roads when possible.

Carry a warning device or be ready to whistle and warn others.

Carry a dog repellant spray, and be ready to spray down any dog that may attempt to bite you.  Be sure only to spray dogs that clearly are attempting to harm you and not those only looking for attention and a good chase.  Be careful not to let dogs take away your focus from traffic or loose your control; stop if necessary.

When things are getting too busy for you to keep safe, STOP and get off your bike.  Assess the situation or wait until things settle down; better to be late and walk a little than get involved in a possible accident.

Watch the sun rise and sun sets, these could blind drivers and render them unable to see you.  Keep clear of traffic during these times.

Be alert, be defensive, and be smart; always make the safest choice in any situation and don’t allow others to keep you safe.  Always keep safety in your control, it is your body, don’t leave it up to others.

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