Sunday, September 13, 2015

Introduction to my "bicycle accidents" blog

Introduction to my "bicycle accidents" blog

As you go to the store and purchase your friend, child, nephew, or grandchild a bicycle helmet and knee pads; you are only attempting to minimize damage for a possible bicycle accident.  However, we rarely take the time and spend the resources and money to prevent the accidents from happening in the first place; like bright clothing, flags, lights, traffic signs, and road safety training and mentoring.  We often teach young kids to ride bicycles but fail to train them in how to be safe; especially as they grow older and begin to ride bikes along cars on residential drives and even on busy roads.  Bicycle accidents are serious occurrences that can main or kill riders of any age; yet we rarely stop and think about how bad a problem it is in our community; how they happen, why they happen, and how to prevent them.  Bicycle helmets help, but serious injury or death can be prevented the majority of times; if not 100% of the time.  This short presentation about bicycle accidents; discusses the how bad, how they happen, and why they happen here in the Southeast U.S.

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